Title: Veteran Enforcers Motorcycle Association | Military | Police | Firefighters | Jacksonville Florida
Description: V.E.M.A. USA is a multi-cultural body of law enforcement, public safety, and military members who have served or currently serve and share the passion of motorcycling. Veteran Enforcers are civic servants that are held to a higher standard than the gener
Title: VSBCnews - Breaking News, Latest News and Current News
Description: VSBCnews is a Mount Vema news channel, a division of the Vema Seamount Broadcasting Channel responsible for the gathering and broadcasting of news and current affairs.
Title: Ruang Vemale: Forum wanita, parenting, kesehatan, kecantikan, resep, DIY, karir & finansial dan relationship
Description: Ruang Vemale adalah forum wanita yang membahas tentang dunia wanita, lifestyle, parenting, kesehatan, cinta, keluarga, resep dan info diskon. Sharing, Sis!
Title: Vemana IT,Vemana Institute of Technology,Top 10 Engineering College,VTU affiliated,B.E,M.Tech
Description: Vemana IT is ranked 92 out of 4000 Engineering Colleges in India and 10th place among 184 Engineering Colleges in Karnataka affiliated to VTU.