Description: Advanced purification systems to remove varnish and submicron particulate from hydraulic and lubricating oil used in high-performance industrial machinery.
Description: Amistco offers mesh, vane, fiberbed mist eliminators and mist extractors, tower internals, trays coalescers, random and structured packing for, pollution control, mass transfer and oil/water separations.
Title: BDI Canada CO2 Technologies - CO2 Dry Ice Blasting - CO2 dry ice cleaning or blasting
Description: BDI Canada CO2 Technologies - CO2 dry ice cleaning or blasting has rapidly become the preferred method of cleaning among the industrial, municipal, and environmental sectors. Online cleaning of production equipment by means of CO2 Dry Ice Cleaning elimin
Title: NOX Control, Electrostatic Precipitator / Precipitators - Air Pollution Control Systems
Description: UltraTemp & UltraCat Catalyst Filter Systems remove PM, SO2, HCl, NOx, Dioxins and more in one system, and are a superior alternative to electrostatic precipitators.