Title: Steve Van Nattan's Piano Service-- Repair and Tune your own Piano-- Buy Tools and Parts to do the Work
Description: PIANO CARE AND REPAIR- Repair, restore, and tune your piano. Order piano parts and tools from our catalogue / catalog. Save hundreds of dollars. The only book of its kind anywhere. Classified- Buy and sell musical instruments.
Title: Piano, repair, parts, tuning, supplies, hammer, casters-- Do it Yourself-- Parts Catalog are here.
Description: PIANO CARE AND REPAIR- Repair, restore, and tune your piano yourself. Order piano parts and tools from our catalogue / catalog. Save hundreds of dollars. The only book of its kind anywhere. Classified- Buy and sell musical instruments.
Title: Robert Samuelson has provided piano tuning, repairs, regulating, voicing and maintenance, as well as purchasing advice and appr
Description: Robert Samuelson has provided piano tuning, repairs, regulation, voicing and maintenance as well as purchasing advice and appraisals to customers throughout the greater Seattle area since 1988.
Description: The National Music Museum features world-reknowned collections of musical instruments and related materials in a museum and research center located on the campus of The University of South Dakota in Vermillion.