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Description: SOLIDCOREAUDIO is a small German manufactory of high-end devices and accessories. The aim is to reproduce music with all of its original spirit.
Keywords:high-end, hifi, solidcoreaudio, solid core, audio, anschlußterminal, polklemmen, polklemme, cryogenic treatment, cryogenisieren, solder-free, solder free, no solder point, no plastics, ohne kunststoff, kunststofffrei, lötstellenfrei, keine lötstelle, holz, battery driven, akku, bi-amping, power amp, amp, verstärker,
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endstufe, spikes, spike, pyramide, gerätefüsse, geräteuntersteller, audio interconnect, rca-plug, rca plug, rca-stecker, rca stecker, cinch-stecker, cinch stecker, chinch, cinchkabel, cinch-kabel, cinch kabel, nf kabel, nf-kabel, nf, digital-kabel, digitalkabel, kabel, digital, digital interconnect(View Less)