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Title: Your Shop
Description: We are a premier specialty lighting supply company representing the world’s premier LED lamps with the lightweight, output, focused-beam and full-dimming features required to replace halogen reflector lamps. These lamps combine the long life and energy
Keywords:LED, LEDs, LED Lighting, LED Light, Solais, LED Bulb, LED Bulbs, Light Emitting Diode, Dimmable LED Lights, led lights, Retrofit, halogen, replacement, replacement lamps, halogen replacement, energy saving, sustainability, environment, LED Replacement Bulbs, LED Replacement Bulb, Compact Fluorescent Light, CFL replacement, Light Bulb, Energy Efficient, Save Energy,
... (View More)
Long Life, LED Lamps, retrofit, retrofit lamps, Consumer LED, led light bulbs, solaris, track lights, track lighting, museum, museum lights, retail lighting, high-end residential lighting, full dimming, full dimming LEDs, Luxiance, light weight, lightweight, energy efficient, cash flow positive results(View Less)