Title: Seasonal Jobs in New Zealand, Working NZ Fruit Apple Picking Cafe Hotel Work Jobsite
Description: Seasonal jobs for the traveller or kiwi looking for a great lifestyle change. Seasonal Jobs in New Zealand ! Fruit - cherry, apple, kiwifruit picking. Hospitality and Adventure tourism. Looking for work in New Zealand? look no further...we have job emplo
Description: Still Water Orchards is a grower, packer, and shipper of fresh pears, apples, kiwifruit, and cherries. Our orchards, in California next to the beautiful Sacramento River, are known to produce some of the best pears in the world.
Description: Horticulture New Zealand has been established to provide a strong united voice for the vegetable and fruit growing industry, and advocate on its behalf.
Title: FreshPlaza: Global Fresh Produce and Banana News
Description: FreshPlaza is the number one portal for the fresh produce industry, offering the latest news, job advertisements, pricewatch, and photo albums
Title: FreshPlaza: Aktuelle Nachrichten aus der globalen Obst- und Gemüsebranche
Description: FreshPlaza is the number one portal for the fresh produce industry, offering the latest news, job advertisements, pricewatch, and photo albums