#365,696 (+9%) - codebunk.com
Title: CodeBunk: Online Realtime Collaborative Editor and Compiler
Description: Ideal for Phone Screen/Online Interview of Developers and Learning to Code from Friends, CodeBunk provides a Realtime Collaborative Editor with in-browser Code Execution and REPL (read-eval-print-loop) shells. CodeBunk is an Online Compiler/Interpreter f
Keywords:Realtime, Collaborative, Editor, Peer-to-Peer Video, Programming Interview, Developer, Phone Screen, Mentoring Programmers, Online Python Interpreter, PHP, Perl, Lua, Ruby, Javascript, Java, Erlang, Haskell, Julia, Clojure, Go, Online Compile and Run, Online C Compiler, Online C++ Compiler, Online Python Compiler, Online Java Compiler,
... (View More)
Online PHP Compiler, Online Haskell Compiler, Online Julia Compiler, Online Clojure Compiler, Online Ruby Compiler, Online Lua Compiler, Online Erlang Compiler, Online Perl Compiler, Online Scala Compiler, Online Rust Compiler, Online CoffeeScript Compiler, Online R Compiler, iPython, iRuby, Pry, Repl, Prelude(View Less)