Title: Mad Kane - Humor About Law, Marriage, Money, Politics, Computers, Cars, Business, Travel, Holidays, Health, Cars, Fashion, Work
Description: Award winning humor columns, song parodies, funny poems, satire, and podcasts about politics, elections, Obama, the news, government, law, music, computers, work, cars, George Dubya Bush, travel, current events, technology, the Internet, Web surfing, mar
Title: Jeanne Robertson humorist speaker Official Site Book for business meetings, conventions, keynote speeches. Toastmasters Golden
Description: Jeanne Robertson Book Me humorist speaker for business meetings, conventions, keynote speeches. Toastmasters Golden Gavel award winner for funny stuff. Online humor store books, videos, audio tapes.
Description: Tom Purcell is a nationally syndicated humor columnist who writes in the storytelling tradition of Art Buchwald, Mike Royko and Lewis Grizzard. Purcell's weekly column, now in its 15th year, appears in more than 200 publications. It has been featured on
Description: If you’re looking for a Professional Humorous Motivational Speaker with a powerful message, who is hilarious and inspirational, then Book Doug Dvorak as your motivational humorous and keynote speaker. Contact us now at 1.847.359.6969!
Title: Kathleen Passanisi - Official Website, professional speaker, humorist
Description: Kathleen Passanisi - Hall of Fame Professional Speaker, Humorist, Author. Changing lives one laugh at a time by creating New Perspectives. Each of Kathleen Passanisi's presentations is carefully crafted to give participants an opportunity to see their li