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Title: Bricks and Sticks
Description: Bricks and Sticks General Construction Company, Servicing South Texas, and the Coastal Bend
Keywords:brick, stick, bricks and sticks, texas, corpus christi, rockport, aransas pass, ingleside, portland, gregory, taft, sinton, odem, robstown, beeville, port aransas, concan, leakie, South Texas, concrete,
roofing, framing, painting, flooring, carpet,
... (View More)
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radiant barrier, green building, energy savings, renovations, trimwork, sheetrock, insurance claims, remodeling, commercial, residential, coastal bend roofing, coastal bend remodeling, coastal bend residential, coastal bend builders, construction company, coastal bend construction company, bsbuilders.net, bricksandstickscc.com, fire damage, water damage, wind damage, hail damage, storm damage, coastal bend storm damage, coastal bend roof damage(View Less)