Description: Taurus International Manufacturing Inc, read about revolvers, pistols and rifles that are made by this Brazilian company. Check safety tips and review the latest products.
Title: The Gun Zone -- the authoritative resource for firearms information.
Description: The Gun Zone -- The Gunperson's Authoritative Internet Information Resource with links, and exclusive content about firearms, ammunition, self-defense, shooting sports, the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and more.
Description: Buying and selling Military Antiques from the Civil War to World War II. U.S. and European Firearms,Swords,Bayonets and accutraments. Over 50 years experience.
Title: New & Used Guns For Sale | Handguns For Sale | Carbines For Sale
Description: The best place to find used guns for sale by owner. Visit our forum and blog for even more information and answers about new and used guns for sale.