Description: A daikaiju-eiga blog dedicated to Godzilla, Gamera, Ultraman, and any and all Japanese monster movies and TV shows. This week's film is Godzilla: Final Wars, which was directed by Ryuhei Kitamura and...
Description: RangerBoard is the #1 Power Rangers discussion board. We are the oldest, we are the largest, and we are the best. RangerBoard is more than just a Power Rangers forum; it's a community for all Toku fans. Join us today!
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Title: KIRAKUYA :: Jizake Bar, the Luxurious Local Sake Bar in the Heart of Manhattan
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Title: Antique Japanese Swords, Cutting tests, Free Evaluations -
Description: A site offering Fine Quality Antique Japanese Swords including Cutting tests, saidan, tameshigiri swords, preserving Japanese swords (日本刀 - Nihonto) for future generations. Giving Free Japanese Sword evaluations