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Title: Record and Label your Discs in One Step
Description: Record and Label your Discs in One Session. Make beautiful color inkjet labels directly on your cd/dvd discs while you record.
Keywords:CD, DVD, CD/DVD, disc, record, copy, burn, label, cover, cdcovers, dvdcovers, CD cover, DVD cover, CD/DVD cover, CD burn, DVD burn, CD/DVD burn, Record, CD record, CD recording, DVD record, CD/DVD record, DVD recording, CD/DVD recording, CD copy,
... (View More)
DVD copy, CD/DVD copy, Label, CD Label, DVD Label, CD/DVD Label, CD/DVD Label Printer, DVD Duplication, CD Duplication, CD/DVD Duplication, Replication Service, CD Duplicator, DVD Duplicator, CD/DVD Duplicator, CD backup, DVD backup, CD/DVD backup, Duplicator, record and label, burn and label, label your cd, label your dvd, color cd label, color dvd label, inkjet cd label, inkjet dvd label, inkjet media, inkjet printable media, inkjet printable disc, Duet, Duet 400, LightScibe, Microboards, Sonic, Nero, Roxio, radialprint, recording, Primera, Rimage, spinart, SureThing(View Less)