Title: Scientific Computing International - Raising Thin Film Metrology to a New Level. SCI offers metrology systems for thin-film mat
Description: Scientific Computing International (SCI) provides high resolution thin film metrology tools and analysis software products to leading companies in the semiconductor, optoelectronics, display, MEMS, data storage, and optical coating industries. SCI also p
Description: Die EPC Group ist spezialisiert auf die Entwicklung innovativer, effizienter und qualitätsgerechter Verfahren und Anlagen. Ziel ist es, komplette Lösungen für den Industrieanlagenbau zu bieten, von der Verfahrensentwicklung, der Planung, der Realisier
Description: Linde is one of the largest industrial gas suppliers in the world and provides innovative products, technology & world class services. Contact us to learn more.
Description: Tystar, quality horizontal small footprint diffusion, oxidation and low-pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) furnace systems and equipment for Semiconductor, MEMS, Solar Cell, Micro/Nanotechnology Industries.
Description: Grant Industries is a privately held company involved in the research, development, manufacturing, and marketing of textile, cosmetic, and performance specialty chemicals.