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Google search volume for "p4c"

Website results for "p4c"

 4 websites found

#3,962,610 (+102%) -
Title: Barne- og ungdomsfilosofene – Filosofi med barn
Description: Norsk senter for filosofi med barn og ungdom.
#14,204,630 (0%) -
Title: The Uehiro Academy for Philosophy and Ethics in Education
Description: The Uehiro Academy for Philosophy and Ethics in Education is the home of philosophy for children Hawai‘i (p4c Hawai‘i). p4c Hawai‘i is an innovative approach to education that is transforming the schooling experience by engaging people in the activ
#2,819,962 (+246%) -
Title: SAPERE P4C: Philosophy for Children
Description: SAPERE promotes Philosophy for Children throughout the UK. SAPERE is an internationally recognized charity based in Oxford.

Not available.
#2,761,086 (-67%) -
Title: Philosophy in schools, community and workplace
Description: UK Charity doing philosophy in schools with children from nursery to A Level and with adults in the community, and in business. Teacher training in P4C and enquiry based learning. Resources for doing P4C.