Title: The Good Drugs Guide - Honest Drug Information on Use and Treatment
Description: Straight up, truthful information about drugs, addiction, treatment, and recovery. Learn about drug use, signs of dependency, and get honest answers to your questions.
Title: MAPS: Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies
Description: The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) is a membership-based, IRS-approved 501 (c) (3) non-profit research and educational organization. We assist scientists to design, fund, obtain approval for and report on studies into the ri
Description: Features White House Drug Policy initiatives, programs, and resources. Find the Drug Czar's speeches, testimony and press releases. Outlines National Drug Control Strategy goals and objectives.
Description: Umfassende Drogeninformationen zu allen gänggigen Drogen / Rauschmitteln in Wort und Bild! Mit Forum. Informationen zu Nachweiszeiten, Szenenamen, Erste Hilfe Maßnahmen bei Drogenunfällen, Safer Use, Umgang mit der Polizei und interessanten Buchtipps.