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Title: The Phia Group, LLC | Claim Recovery Specialists
Description: The Phia Group, LLC-Claim Recovery Specialists, Offering customized Services for the best results in subrogation, Overpayment, and health care cost containment services
Keywords:Adam Russo, Andrew Milesky, Attorney Benefit Plan, Attorney Consultation and Defense, Attorney Health Insurance, benefit plan, benefit plan administration, Bethany Hoffman, Boris Senic, Bryan Davenport, Claim Processing Evaluation, Claim recovery, claims recovery, CMS, COB, Common Fund, Consulting Services, Coordination of benefits, cost containment, cost containment healthcare, cost containment in healthcare, cost containment subro, Documentation Services, Doug Aldeen, employee benefit plan,
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employee benefit plan administration, Employment Income, Employment Retirement Income Security Act, ERISA, ERISA attorney, ERISA claim consulting, ERISA Compliance, erisasubro.com, exclusion, fiduciary, First Recovery Group, firstrecoverygroup.com, health care attorney, Health care attorneys, health care cost containment claims recovery, Health care Insurance attorneys, health care recoveries, health care recovery, health care recovery group, Health care Reform Updated Language, health care subro, health care subrogation, Health care subrogation attorneys, health care subrogation group, health insurance, health insurance reform, health insurance subrogation, health reform, healthcare attorney, Healthcare attorneys, healthcare cost containment claims recovery, Healthcare Insurance attorneys, healthcare recoveries, healthcare recovery, healthcare recovery group, Healthcare Reform Updated Language, healthcare subro, healthcare subrogation, Healthcare subrogation attorneys, healthcare subrogation group, Hennessy & Walker Group, Ingenix, ingenix.com, Innovative Plan Document Design, insurance claim help, insurance claim recovery, insurance subrogation, ISM, Jennifer McCormick, Knudson, liability, Loomis, Made Whole, medicaid, medical subrogation, medicare, Michael Branco, NASP, network provider, Overpayment Recovery, passionforsubro, Pharmacy Claim Recovery, Plan Administration and Defense, plan document, Plan Document Compliance, Plan Document Provision Review and Revision, PPO, provider network, Regulatory and Legal Compliance Updates, reinsurance, right of recovery, right of reimbursement, Ron Peck, Second Pass Recovery Audit, Self funded ERISA attorneys, self funded health plans, self-funding, Sereboff, Shank, Socrates reimbursement, Socrates subrogation, SRP Subro, SRP subrogation, srpsubro.com, Stop Loss Claim Analysis, Subro, subrogation, Subrogation and Right of Reimbursement, subrogation claim, subrogation recovery, subrogation rights, subrogation software, Subrogation.net, Third Party Agreement Review and Dispute Resolu, Walmart v. Shank, Walmart versus Shank, Walmart vs. Shank, website: www.phiagroup.com, www.erisasubro.com, www.firstrecoverygroup.com, www.ingenix.com, www.ism.niis.com, www.socratesinc.com, www.srpsubro.com, www.Subrogation.net(View Less)