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Title: Catherine Bolduc Artist
Description: Catherine Bolduc Visual Artist Website
Keywords:art, visual art, artist, exhibition, sculpture, video, installation, in situ installation, drawing, watercolor, castle, shadow, carrousel, flashing light, light, strob light, mirror, houses of cards, accumulation, door, constellation, landscape, IKEA cabinet, sounds of fire works, gravity,
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labyrinth, artificial landscape, the marvellous, illusion, disillusion, desire and reality, My Air Castles, The Mythmakers Journey, Castles in Spain again, The Chinese Game, The lost Island, My life without gravity, Prince Charming is Manic Depressive, Solipsism, My Life as a Fairy Tale, Attractions, Affectionland, Fantasia bag, Rocking Reflexion, Rocking Rug, Directions for use, Portable Summer Spirit, Small portable Landscape, Dream Machine, Fountain of Eternal Youth(View Less)